Monday, January 14, 2013

In Creating, the hardest part is to begin

" In creating, the hardest part is to begin" This quote stands out to me because I think it is one of the largest stumbling blocks I see among those who come to visit my studio. I have had clients agonize over the choices. Sometimes it's because there are so many choices, but sometimes it's just the client not knowing where to begin. Sometimes my clients have just been really warped by past art experiences. I am challenged with the task of undoing the years of self doubt in a two hour walk in experience.

First things first, what is it you are going to make? You have to have an idea of what you are trying to accomplish. Once you can visualize what your finished item will look like, the rest will fall into place. When I have a child who is having a tough time choosing between a couple of pieces, we will pull them off the bisque shelf place them side by side and then I will ask them, "tell me how you see this painted" Often times, they can give me more details on one vs the other, and BINGO! I helped them make their choice.

Some people tell me they fear colors, because they just don't know what looks good together. Fear of color is OK. You don't have to be good at putting colors together to make something beautiful. Use the inspirations available to you or look to an expert for help or inspiration. In our studio we keep a number of books with current magazine clippings and inspiring ideas. We also display finished projects in a variety of areas in the studio. Look around, you never know what will spark that creative idea into your own project.
Our color and design center

Other places I look for inspiration. I shop local gift and home stores. I love magazines and I follow a bunch of bloggers and crafters who inspire me to try new things.  I know I have mentioned it before, but I just LOVE Pinterest. Please follow me! Pinterest is a great way to store those ideas without creating more clutter. When I need a project for a class, or want to make a new sample, I go to Pinterest, make myself a print sheet, and go into my studio and start creating from the things that I like.

So, what are you working on? What inspires you?